About Us
Mentoring a Nation (MAN), is a Men's ministry partnership based at CLF, but operating as a church partnership across denominational lines.
Our fellowship gatherings (corporate and distributed) of Training Facilitators, Certified Master Trainers, and Men's Fellowships members, operate under the banner of MAN UNITED Jamaica.
Our MAN United Clubs seek to encourage Fathering and Mentoring Communities of Practice through local scheduled gatherings of christian and unchurched men in communities.
MAN is an Operation Save Jamaica partner, and collaborates on advocacy with Men of God Against Violence and Abuse (MOGAVA)
Jamaica faces a long term crisis of manhood in our nation both in the church and in the wider society that has manifested itself in a number of leadership problems – absentee fathers, weaknesses in community leadership, inadequate role modeling, parenting and family management challenges, weak socialization of children, social order breakdown and violence.
Here is what we aim to do:
1. To train Christian men, Men's Leaders, and among them, build understanding, and generate a sense of urgency and consensus relating to the role of fatherhood - in leadership and more generally, as well as to forge a deeper understanding of the role of the Church in the Fathering of the Nation
2. To support the development and entrenching of a values-based leadership brand in our communities through equipping community churches to support and deliver leadership training and leadership mentoring of community leaders
3. To encourage and support the development of men’s ministries in churches across Jamaica, towards the promotion of mentoring as a shared practice, among christian men, and of unchurched men in community, with a view towards men as good husbands, good fathers, and responsible leaders and co-participants in society.
4. To support the development, networking and maintenance of a sustainable united Christian Men's Movement and local exchanges focused on sharing and mutual encouragement through MAN United Clubs (Fathering and Mentoring Communities of Practice)
5. To train, inspire and equip Christian men who are committed to reaching and discipling men across Jamaica, with the tools to disciple men in their local communities in order to improve community life, and support an ongoing restorative shift in community life and social order in Jamaica
6. To facilitate networking of groups who are committed to supporting interventions related to men in society
Join Us
Whether you are a lifetime advocate or new to this cause, we invite you to join us. It is a cause in support of deepening men's ministry leadership capacity in the church, keeping men on the front line as good husbands, strong leaders, effective fathers, and committed brothers, and building male community leadership.
This is a cautionery verse to remember:
"The King of Babylon deported all the fighting men, and all the skilled cratfsmen and artisans...... 2 Kings 24 (NIV)
21A Gordon Town Road,
Kingston 6